2 years ago today, one of the sweetest people I know came into the world. She was nameless, she was tiny and she was perfect. We fell in love with her instantly.
2 years later, Stella is still one of the sweetest people I know but with tons of added spunk and personality. She's still tiny and perfect though, weighing in at only 24 pounds, she's still my baby.
This itty bitty little girl runs our house. She loves to boss her big brothers around and they let her do it because it's too funny to stop her. It seems like she tells Bo off on a daily basis by wagging her finger at him and yelling his name along with a bunch of random words. He deserves it though because he does like to tease her. Lily's not a huge fan of Stella's bossiness. She tattles on her a lot. She really loves her though and they usually get along really well.
Some of Stella's favorite things at 2 are going to play with her cousins, Jojo (Josie), Ty and Crew. She loves to visit Nan and Bammy (Grammy). She loves to jump on the trampoline, climb on the counters, play at the park, take a bath, take her clothes and diaper off 10 times a day, eat bom bom (popcorn), watch Harry (Harry and the Henderson's), Me (Tangled), and the cat show (Cat in the hat or Tom and Jerry). She even knows how to run the TV and DVD player by herself. Our DVD's are now super scratched and very dirty. Most of them skip like crazy. Stella's favorite fooey (food) is pasta. Her favorite toys are her babies and her stacking blocks. The LOVES Phrimmy (Prim) and tells her, "Good girl Phrim" all the time. And Stella LOVES to talk. That girl chatters it up all day. I hope I don't forget the way she talks right now. I'm trying to get lots of video of her because the way she says things is way too cute to not remember. She starts every sentence, sometimes every word with "Uh" in front of it. She also ends just about every thought with an "again", a "too", or a "now" and sometimes all three. And instead of saying yes she always says, "Uh-huh". I also love how she says Lily. She calls her "Yeeyey". Pretty much everything she does and says is just adorable right now. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Stella! XOXO Mommy