We took a really fun trip to Seaside Oregon with my Sister Danielle and her family. It was a vacation even for me since we left Stella home with Grammy. We missed her so much but knew she was in good hands. It was so nice to be able to hang out with just our older kids, play games and relax for a change.
Now, it rained a solid 90% of the 5 days we spent on the coast. But it was still so beautiful and it didn't stop us from having a great time or the kids from swimming in the F*R*E*E*Z*I*N*G cold ocean.
I never post quite so many family photos on this blog. I usually save those for our family blog, but we don't go on vacation very often so I thought I'd share with everyone. Get ready for image overload...
This was the beach right outside the condo we stayed in.

Lily loves to dance, and lucky for us she loves an audience too. She and Faith entertained us for quite a while. I really need to get Lil in dance classes so she can learn to put all of those dance moves of hers in some kind of order.

The house that 'Goonies' was filmed at in Astoria. Goonies was a family fave growing up so it was pretty exciting for me and Danielle to see it up close and personal. Pretty dorky, I know.

We could hear sea lions barking like crazy, so we drove down to the boat dock to check them out. There were TONS of them everywhere.

Mason & Chase were feeling pretty brave so they headed down the ramp to get a close up look at them.

The Maritime museum in Astoria.

A swimsuit shower after their nightly swim in the pool.

We woke up to a sunny sky on Saturday. So we took advantage and headed straight to the beach. Yes, it was still freezing, but it didn't seem to matter much to the kids. I only got in up to my thighs and it seemed like it took hours for all the feeling to come back to my feet and legs. I don't know how they could stand to get all the way in the water. Craziness.

Later in the day it stared raining AGAIN and I watched as Bo gazed longingly at the beach. He had so much fun. I wish we lived closer to a coast.

Cannon beach. It was a really really pretty beach.

Lily agreed to let me take some pictures of her. I was so excited to get a few really cute shots of her on the beach. By the time we got out there is was raining again. I took 2 pictures of her and this one is the better of the 2. Oh well.

One of Kirk & Danielle

Thanks guys for the fun trip! We can't wait for the next vacation. We're thinking somewhere tropical sounds wonderful for next time. And thank you Kirk for taking a few pictures of me. It hardly ever happens ya know!