I love those chunky legs and bum. Notice that the bed is actually the same size in both shots. I love that I have this to see just how much she's grown. It's amazing to me that she's changed so much in such a short time. Love this little girl.
And here's a pullback of the second shot. My kitchen is where I take about 95% of my pictures. I used 53" white seamless paper and port-a-stand by savage. I got it at B&H for around $100. I got the dollbed on ebay a couple years ago, but the vendor is no longer making them, sorry. I used window light from my sliding glass door with a little fill light from a bounced flash. And I warmed up the bed before I stuck Stella on there with a nice warm heating pad (lower right corner). Oh, and I cranked the heat up in the house to around 79 degrees so it wasn't too chilly for her.