I'm not sure what I was thinking when I decided to take the kids out for a photo shoot by myself. Lily has been a little better lately about pictures, so I think I was feeling overly optimistic that I could get a least one good shot of our three kids together. Maybe even one where all of them are looking at me and smiling. Oh boy, was I way off. When we first got there, Lily was happy and smiley, and Bo was the stinker. He just kept pouting and wouldn't look at the camera. It's so frustrating because I knew I only had a very small window of time with Lily and I had to try and deal with Bo. Isn't he too old to act like that? Mason was being his usual helpful self. Thank goodness for him.
This is the only one that turned out somewhat okay. At least no one is crying in this one.

The boys were waiting on the red stool until I could wrangle Lily over to sit on it with them.

Still waiting...

Mason was finally able to lure her over with a ladybug.

As you can see, she did NOT want anything to do with sitting and smiling for mama. These pictures make me laugh.....now. It was anything but funny to me at the time.

Oh......and there's that sweet face I was hoping for earlier.

Next time Ross is coming with me.